Node.js: Unleashing the Future of Web Development

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If you choose Node.js as your key development framework, investing in the right development company is essential. In this article, we look at the essence of Node.js, key reasons to use it, and the main use areas for the technology.

Node.js web development services are a great investment. Do you want to find out why? Then, let's review the key reasons in this article.

What Is Node.js?

What Is Nodejs

Node.js is a development platform based on JavaScript. It has two key characteristics: single-threaded event-based approach and full stack development. Firstly, Node.js is notable for being the best tool for scaling small-scale but numerous tasks. Secondly, it enables full stack development via JavaScript.

JavaScript is a web-oriented language; in its initial form, it enabled only frontend development. Node.js solves this problem once and for all. In short, one of the main selling points for the platform is its capability to enable backend development in JavaScript.

Why Use Node.js?

More or less, the key characteristics of Node.js mentioned in the section above are already convincing. Let's elaborate on them a little. The productivity of modern servers is tremendous. Many tasks considered ‘heavy' a mere 20 years ago are now trivial even for devices with 1 CPU core and 2 gigabytes of RAM. In this light, video streaming or processing of banking requests is no longer a ‘complex' task.

Node.js takes advantage of this fact. It targets single-core performance to maximize the number of connections per CPU thread. Tasks such as streaming on Netflix or purchase requests on eBay become easy to scale. Yes, Node.js is unoptimized for multithreaded tasks. Where it shines, however, is in tasks requiring small but numerous connections.

Another reason to use Node.js is its focus on full stack development. JavaScript is among the most popular scripting languages on the web. This means the number of developers capable of creating code in it is tremendous.

The inability to develop the backend with JavaScript was a major problem for many companies. They had to hire two separate teams to develop the backend and the frontend. With Node.js, this concern no longer exists.

How Does Node.js Work?

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment running on the V8 JavaScript engine. This platform is the key technology behind Google's Chrome browser. Clients using Node.js invest in a technology that is compatible with the core technology on the web.

So, how does Node.js work? Node.js works by using a single-threaded event loop. Only one thread runs at one point, but it can process multiple requests asynchronously. When a request comes into a Node.js server, it's placed in an event queue. The event loop then wakes up and processes the requests one at a time.

The callback function handles each request and is called when the request is finished. The callback function can then do whatever it needs to do, such as sending a response to the client or making another request. This process is repeated for each request, and it allows Node.js to handle many requests without becoming bogged down.

Where to Use Node.js?

Where to Use Nodejs

What are the best uses for Node.js? As we've mentioned above, it's great with small but numerous requests. Here are some examples of them:

  1. Video streaming services (Netflix);
  2. Online auctions/purchasing platforms (eBay);
  3. Ride-hailing platforms (Uber);
  4. Online payment services (PayPal)

Obviously, these use cases are far from being exhaustive. There are multiple other uses for Node.js. It can be great for educational and even some medical platforms too. However, the presented situations are among the most popular examples of Node.js usage on the market.


To summarize, Node.js is a great platform if you seek to create a high-quality user-oriented product. If you're reading this article, then you're likely seeking Node.js development assistance. What are the key characteristics of a good development partner for Node.js development?

They have to possess multiple years of experience and a portfolio of Node.js products with good client feedback. More importantly, the team behind a project has to be experienced, too. Do we know a company that corresponds to the presented criteria?

Yes, Keenethics is a firm with eight years of JavaScript and Node.js development experience. It has created multiple projects using Node.js and adjacent JavaScript platforms. Don’t hesitate to contact them regarding your projects.

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