5 Steps to Start a Career in Cryptocurrency

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This is a construction market, so build something yourself!

When we call it a construction market, we don't just mean cryptocurrencies and Web3 protocols. Now is the time to build yourself.

Cryptocurrency markets are relentlessly gloomy right now, but Web3 isn't going anywhere. The sector is well-funded and more resilient than ever.

Therefore, although prices on the market are decreasing, the industry itself has every chance for further development. This means that now is the right time to start a career in cryptocurrency.

Now is your chance to develop and borrow skills, hone your value proposition, and build your community.

Today, William shares five golden tips for starting your cryptocurrency career so you can take the next bull market by the horns.

So you're obsessed with cryptocurrency and have some useful skills, but don't know how to transition into a lucrative “job for hire” on Web3. This bitcoin ifex tactic will guide you through 5 essential steps to finally start your crypto career.

Goal: Start your crypto career

Skill: Average

Effort: Constant

ROI: earn well in a very interesting field!

How to start your crypto career

How to start your crypto career

So, you're interested in starting your crypto career, but don't know where to start. You have questions, the most common of which include the following:

Can I make money from cryptocurrency?

Do you need to be a cryptocurrency expert to get started?

What types of jobs are available?

Yes, you can make a living working in cryptocurrency!

In general, both non-technical and technical positions in the crypto-economy command higher rates than their “regular” equivalents.

Right out of college, my first article writing commission was a measly $0.03 per word. Today, my cryptocurrency articles are worth 20x more on average. This is partly due to my veteran status and undeniable talent (the fact that you're reading all this is proof, right?!).

Another important factor is that writing skills are required throughout the crypto-economy. This means: copywriting, journalism, technical work, research, translation, and the list goes on. Cryptocurrency needs all of these.

Regarding the second question: do you need to be a cryptocurrency expert to start a crypto career? No, not. I came to the ecosystem as a general technical writer and then in the summer of 2017 learned about the ins and outs of the cryptosystem.

Many of my colleagues also learned Web3 on the job, and many of them are now respected experts in their fields. You can become like that! Everyone in this industry was a neophyte at some point – and maybe not as long ago as you think.

Finally, as to what types of jobs are available in the crypto industry, the answer is simple – all of them. Developers and engineers are in first demand, but all types of non-technical jobs are now being recruited.

They include:

  • Community Managers + Moderators (Discord, Twitter, etc.)
  • Content creators (graphic designers, news writers, podcasters, etc.)
  • Data analysts
  • Economists
  • Editors
  • Marketers (partnership, social media, storytelling, etc.)
  • Product managers
  • Project managers
  • Translators
  • and other!

Even with the bear market, there are plenty of job opportunities in cryptocurrency. How you leap is your journey, but I have developed a simple program that I can recommend to everyone.

Here are my 5 steps to jumpstart your crypto career!

1. Determine your goals

If you have a decent job, you can take your time to transition to the permanent web3 position you dream of in cryptocurrency.

If you want to start working as soon as possible, you can consider almost any options: part-time jobs, bounty programs, contracts, airdrops, etc.

When you're just starting, think about your immediate needs and build a strategy based on that. Take the time to write down exactly what goals you have in mind in your cryptocurrency career, why you are taking this step, and where you can benefit.

Do you attach great importance to the atmosphere in the company? Salary? NFT creative projects? Stable working atmosphere? All of the above? And what type of work would you like to do? I've talked to techies looking to transition into non-tech careers in cryptocurrency, and non-techies looking to transition into tech, etc.

Cryptocurrency is less rigid in its rules of operation. So: what do you want?

If you sit down and define your main goals, desires, and boundaries, you will clarify your future path. This will help you not to stop at a project that does not suit you, not to waste time, and not to lose your way by performing side tasks.

2. Organize your portfolio

Once you've determined what you want from your crypto career, it's time to tell others what skills you can bring to it. An easy way to showcase and publish a basic portfolio is to create your website.

For example, back in 2019 – in the throes of the previous bear market – I wanted to take my crypto career to the next level. Then I remembered that Spencer Noon recommended creating your site.

I did so!

I've been using this site, wmpea.github.io/portfolio, as a portfolio ever since, and it's led to some great work opportunities in that time. I recommend creating a portfolio site with basic information about yourself. How you do it is up to you. I built and maintain my site for free using GitHub Pages, so if you're interested in doing so, I recommend checking out this helpful step-by-step article.

If you're trying to create a Featured Works section on your site, but you don't yet have many (or any) contractors in major cryptocurrency publications, don't worry! Consider creating a couple of posts on topics you're passionate about using the Mirror project's web3 publication, then link to those posts on your site to emphasize that you're a thinker and a doer.

3. Immerse yourself in the culture

“My biggest piece of advice for standing out when applying for web3 careers is to always ‘do your thing', both online and offline. Participate in chats, get started with DAO, write wherever you can, retweet what interests you, collect POAP NFTs – all while studying the cryptocurrency market and finding the right roles for you,” Michael Wong, Head of Culture at Bankless.

Getting and maintaining a significant crypto career will eventually lead to you becoming a crypto native. This means becoming an expert in the nuances of the ecosystem and its projects.

Of course, it can be difficult at first. I recently came across an article by Jackie Zhang, a Data Analyst at Dune Analytics, titled “How to Learn Cryptocurrency Like a New Language”. This is a great article about how jumping into a cryptocurrency career is like learning a new culture and a new language.

I believe that this is something that can prepare you for what lies ahead. You will have to learn new words, new concepts, new customs, and new tools. And the best way to do this research is simply to dive into space. Do as the Romans do.

Start with simple things and work your way up. You won't have time to look back as your cryptocurrency skill tree will quickly blossom. You will automatically level up as you communicate, network, and become a builder.

4. Create your brand

Create your brand

You can also call this stage “Become an authority” or “Practice and publish”. This phase of the process is about applying your skills and knowledge to productive purposes by creating content for the public – at least on a semi-regular basis.

This stage can take different forms. Maybe it's creating themed crypto explainers for YouTube. Maybe it's taking notes during Twitter Spaces or podcasts and posting them on your blog. Maybe it's writing a newsletter about a niche web3 topic that you think deserves attention.

There are many reasons for this step:

Teaching others is one of the best ways to learn deeply about yourself.

Providing useful services to others is a quick way to build your credibility, network, and employability.

Creating content for the public gives you a stream of material to expand and enhance your portfolio.

In January 2020, I launched the DeFi Arts Intelligencer newsletter to learn more about NFTs, provide public services, and expand my portfolio at the same time. Eventually, my efforts there earned me an offer from Bankless to create the Metaversal newsletter.

I'm still writing Metaversal. I like it! This opportunity came about because I publicly built my brand as an NFT analyst. As you develop your brand, your career will also come to the fore.

5. Take your pictures

So, you've defined your goals, polished your portfolio, immersed yourself in crypto culture, and started publishing content. Now what?

On the one hand, you can sit back, create content and wait for teams interested in hiring you to provide services as a result. It will happen!

However, if you want to be more proactive, you can actively search for jobs that you think are perfect for you. This means looking around and applying for interesting jobs that come your way.

Bankless runs the Pallet job board, where you can find and apply for some of the best jobs in the ecosystem at any given time.

Another way is to follow projects you like on social media and then see if their teams are hiring. A recent example is BTI Verified, a tender project of the NFT Group, which has just announced that it is looking for protocol engineers.

Follow your favorite projects, and their team members, and then make personal connections with them before a specific opportunity presents itself.

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