How to Sell Feet Pics on OnlyFans (Make $3000/Month)

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Dive into the world of felling your feet pics on OnlyFans. To help you with that endeavor, we've made an in-depth guide covering all the aspects you'll need to start making money with your feet.

Considering how much the Internet has evolved over the past two decades, it's no wonder why people look at it as a way to make some money. Whether you're looking for a passive income or want a new full-time job, the Internet offers endless opportunities.

In the creative world, there are plenty of ways to make some money, and in recent years, the one that gets a lot of attention is feet pics. We all have a knack for viewing some kind of content, and feet pic is becoming a popular option to the point where some people are willing to pay for that.

With this in mind, let's talk about how to make this work and which platform to use. OnlyFans is one of the many options on the market, and at this point, it's one of the most popular ones. In today's guide, we'll talk about how to start selling your feet pics on OnlyFans and make money from that.

What is OnlyFans?

What is OnlyFans

Before we dive into the how let's talk about the what. In other words, what is OnlyFans? It's a platform that was released in 2016 as a way for content creators to make money for their products. The team behind it had intended to allow content creators to put their content behind a subscription. It was to help them monetize their profession and continue growing.

Even though we know the platform for a certain type of content, that's not the whole story. There are many other types of content creators on the platform, including people that sell their feet pics.

How to Get Started with OnlyFans?


The first step in getting started with OnlyFans is to create an account. A few years ago, the company introduced a few changes for when content creators create an account, and now you'll need to verify it. The process includes taking a selfie and sending a government-issued ID to ensure you're not just another fake account.

During the creation process, it's essential to create a unique username. Sure, you can use the term “feet,” but it's crucial to be catchy so that people remember it. You can try many options, and this is where you'll need to start getting creative. Going for a generic username isn't necessarily bad, but a catchy one will help you a lot in the long run, at least in terms of popularity.

As part of the personalization process, you must have a good profile picture and bio. Again, you'll need to get creative for both of these, so if you don't have any ideas, you can check out other accounts with similar content. The most important thing here is not to copy them. You should use them as inspiration and create something unique for your account.

Next up, we have the subscription settings. The whole point is to make money from selling your feet pics on OnlyFans, so you'll need to set up the privacy and pricing structure. The platform offers full flexibility on this, meaning you can ask for as little or as much as you want. This is another area where you may want to check out the competition to get an idea of how much you can ask.

Our recommendation here is to go for a slightly lower price, especially when compared with already well-established accounts. This should attract some people, even though you'll be a new account on a platform with competitors that already have a lot of subscribers.

Hiding all of the content behind a paywall is a bad idea because people will not know what you post. This is why we'd recommend posting some public pics, so your potential fans can see what content they'll pay for.

Finally, you'll need to set up the payment. OnlyFans uses multiple payment methods, so it's up to you to decide which one you'll go to. Make sure you choose a secure one because this will be your income and you don't want anyone getting their hands on your hard-earned income.

Preparing the Content

Preparing the Content

With the OnlyFans account out of the way, let's talk about the content. There are two sides that you should be thinking about – the public and the exclusive content. In this regard, it's important to balance what you post for everyone to see and what will be available to your subscribers.

Using the Right Equipment

Now let's talk about the equipment, which is crucial. Sure, taking quick picks with your phone may be fine, but the goal here is to grow your OnlyFans account and sell as many pics as possible, that is, get as many subscribers as possible. For that, the first thing you'll need is good equipment.

Smartphones nowadays have excellent cameras, but they are no match for a DSLR. Depending on how professional you want to take this, our minimal recommendation is to have at least a camera. If you want to take things up a notch, you may want to invest in good lighting and props.


The presentation is key here, which is where creativity comes into play. Photographing your feet on a tile floor may be fine, but you'll want things to look good. You should practice with different poses and angles until you get the photo you want. Also, proper hygiene is the key, regardless of which pose or angle you go for. Yeah, a foot pic in a muddy scenario may be something your subscribers may want to see, but that's deliberate. Always ensure your feet are spotless, the nails are perfect, and there isn't a spec of dust on them. The goal here is to make things perfect, so try to aim for that.


Finally, let's talk about editing. Regardless of how good your photography skills are, there are situations where you may want to edit the photos a bit. Lightroom and Photoshop can be your best friend here because you can get the most out of the photo you take with your camera. The bonus here is that even if you missed a spec of dust, you can edit it out and bring things back to perfection. If you're not well versed in how these tools work, we suggest going through tutorials to learn how to make the most out of them.

Once you have all of this covered, you can start uploading the content and get new subscribers.

Strategy and Promotion

Let's face it, your OnlyFans account will be new, and you'll need to push through the competition and hope to get more subscribers, and there are a few ways to do that, and promotion is a good starting point.

Promote your Account

Promote your Account

Most of us have social media accounts on several platforms, so that's a good starting point. You can use your existing social media accounts to promote your OnlyFans. Some people may be ashamed of this, but if you have several thousand followers on Twitter, you may get a subscriber or two from there. You can even use Twitter or Instagram to post the picks you have as public on OnlyFans. With this approach, you're already using a certain number of people to help you get more subscribers.

Another way of doing this is by using Reddit or other types of forums. There are countless discussion boards on the Internet that you can use for promotion. Remember that some have strict policies about certain websites or posting links, so try to adhere to the rules to avoid getting banned.

Paid promotion is a good way to grow your OnlyFans account, as long as you have the budget. For this approach, you'll need to make sure that you target the audience properly to ensure you're getting the most out of the money you spend on the promotions.

If you've ever used Twitter or Instagram, you know that hashtags can be a powerful tool, and you can get a lot out of that. This is part of the targeting process, so you'll need to research which hashtags are active. That way, you're ensuring that your posts won't go to waste, and you can get some subscribers.

Our recommendation here is first to try hashtags and other social media platforms. These usually work, but you can reach for the paid promotion option if they don't.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to trial and error. Even veteran social media managers won't be able to get it right on the first try, which is why it's best to experiment. You can try one strategy, and if it doesn't work in your favor, tweak it until it does.

Engage with your Subscribers

One thing that can put off potential subscribers or existing ones is for you to ignore them. There are people willing to give you a compliment or send you a private message with a recommendation for something they'd want to see. This is a good way to help you grow your OnlyFans account and sell more feet pics.

Naturally, you should have some boundaries about what kind of content you're willing to upload. Sure, we are talking about feet, but you may come across an inappropriate requirement, which you'll have to reject. The goal here is to set the tone right so you don't lose a subscriber but still avoid doing something you don't want to.

The goal here is to sell your feet pics on OnlyFans, which you are aiming to build. With that said, that also means that you'd probably won't do anything your subscribers ask of you. We cannot recommend what would be your limit on this, so it's something you'll have to decide for yourself. The most important thing is to reject that in the kindest manner possible.

Regardless if you're getting a request for something or a compliment, the important thing is to respond as soon as possible. We're not saying that you should be 24/7 on the platform and respond instantly, but avoid going offline for a few days and not responding to your subscribers.

Be Consistent

post your feet pics on OnlyFans

The moment you decide to post your feet pics on OnlyFans for your subscribers, you're taking on a role that requires you to be consistent. People will be paying to see those pics, so posting 5 pics in 2 days and then not posting at all for 2 weeks is bad for business. Your subscribers will expect to see regular content upload from you, so try to be more consistent.

In this regard, we recommend creating content even before you start to upload. Your creativity won't be in the best shape possible every time, so having some prepared content can help you out. There isn't a certain number of pics you should have prepared beforehand, so do as many as you can think of.

Once you have all of them ready, post a few so the subscribers see how often they'll see your content. People may ask for more at a certain point, and if you can achieve that, then it may be a good idea to consider it because you may get new subscribers.

The most important thing here is not to disrupt the flow. If you started off posting 3 pics per week, then continue with that consistency. Depending on how things go, you may want to tweak that at a certain point, but that's just part of the strategy.

Offer Rewards and Deals

Deals and rewards can be a good way to attract new subscribers and keep the existing ones. You can achieve this in numerous ways, ranging from discounts to creating special content for one lucky subscriber and more.

The possibilities are endless here, and it's an excellent way to research and see what the competitors are doing in this regard. Each account owner will have a different approach, so see which one you like and try it out. If it doesn't work, you can try another and continue testing until you get one that works the best.


Making money on the Internet has become quite an easy task. There are multiple ways in which you can do that, and people have been finding new ways every day. Among the more popular options you'll find on the Internet is selling your feet pics on OnlyFans.

There are many aspects of this endeavor that you should consider, ranging from setting the account to using the proper equipment and going for the right strategy. The options here are endless, and what has worked for someone else may not work for you. This is why it's essential to try and see what works for you and if you need to change something.

If you're lost and don't know what to do, we have you covered. Our guide on how to sell feet pics on OnlyFans should help you get started and grow your account, getting more subscribers and increasing your income.

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