Apache Kafka for Data Analytics: Uses and Benefits

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The field of data analytics is growing at an unprecedented rate. Various data analytics software solutions allow information to be collected, stored, and analyzed in huge volumes and for many different purposes.

One of the new tools that an increasing number of companies are utilizing is Apache Kafka. It is revolutionizing the way many companies across a range of industries analyze their data. In this article, we will take a closer look at this tool and provide an overview of some of its major applications.

What is Apache Kafka, and how is it unique?

What is Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is one of the leading data and analytics solutions on the market these days. It operates as an event store and stream-processing platform that allows for real-time data input and processing. It is an open-sourced program that allows for data to be streamed continuously from any number of different data sources.

One of the notable things about Apache Kafka is that it can be used for a whole range of purposes. Everything from messaging to web tracking to the creation of new apps is possible with it.

The defining feature of Apache Kafka is its ability to gather and store data in real time. Previously, such programs were only able to process data in batches, which was useful for certain purposes, but was limited in effectiveness. Unlike other data engineering services, Apache Kafka is able to process more information more quickly and through a greater number of means than traditional services.

The program works by “streaming events.” Event streaming is the capturing of data from a whole range of sources. This can include sensors from the IoT, databases, clouds, and any other sources that transmit data digitally. After capturing the data, it is stored in the system to be used for whatever purposes are called for by a given application.

How does event streaming work?

There are three primary steps involved in event streaming: publishing and subscribing, which involves the capturing and transmitting of data into the system; storing; and processing the streams, which can occur either in real-time or later.

A notable feature of Apache Kafka in particular is that it can be used either on hardware, in virtual machines, or on a cloud. This makes it extremely versatile and capable of being used by teams regardless of their infrastructure.

How is Apache Kafka used?

How is Apache Kafka used

There are innumerable potential uses for Apache Kafka. Some of them include:

  • Media. Different media outlets use Apache Kafka to store and distribute real-time published information that becomes available via different types of channels. Without this tool, updates would only be available periodically.
  • Delivery services. Delivery services employ Apache Kafka to obtain real-time information on orders, status updates, and changes that might affect their business.
  • Hotels. Hotels use the feature to gather real-time information on customer information, pricing anomalies, reviews, and to detect fraud. Because they are able to catch discrepancies so quickly, it results in savings and reduced errors.
  • The apparel industry. Companies use Apache Kafka to collect sales information, as well as customer feedback, in order to adjust their offerings across their sales platforms.

These are just a few examples of the many industries and application types that Apache Kafka is being used for. Its uses can be applied pretty much anywhere that real-time data processing is required.

A solution for all

In short, any company that has large-scale data processing needs and quickly changing demands can benefit from the use of Apache Kafka. The amount of data that it is able to process, the speed at which it operates, and the security that users can be confident in receiving all make it a necessary tool for companies on the move.

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