What is a Futures Contract and Futures Trading?

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Future trading is a kind of business that arose as a piece of future and choices trading the subordinate portion of the stock market.

Typically, investors trading futures are speculating on future prices such as a currency, stock, commodity, or benchmark. Futures trading is considered a sub-type of derivatives trading. Derivatives are a type of financial contract whose value can be derived from the price movements of an underlying asset. Basically, a derivative tracks the cost of another resource.

Furthermore, the financial backer attempts to benefit from the value movement of future and choices, derivatives through trading. Don’t miss out to know the top-class characteristics of Bitcoin.

What is a futures contract?

What is a futures contract

Talking about a futures contract has emerged as a legal financial instrument that binds the buyer and the seller together. Whereas the buyer usually chooses to take a long position in derivatives where they are held with the expectation that the price of the underlying asset may rise. Then again, assuming we discuss the vendor, he sells and expects that the cost of the fundamental resource will go down.

Typically, futures contracts come out with a fixed expiration date. Moreover, the purchaser communicates his eagerness to purchase the derivative prior to the expiry of the contract, through a prospects contract. As the agreement approaches its expiration date, the cost of the hidden resource decides the worth of the future contract.

However, when the price of the asset is higher than the strike price of the derivative, it is considered to be in the money, and the buyer can take the trade. On the other side, the seller wins the trade if the asset's price is lower than the derivative's strike price.

How many types of futures traders are there?

There are two sorts of future merchants – hedgers and speculators.

Hedgers – These are the investors who usually buy derivative instruments to hedge their capital against any loss.

Speculators – It is also the investors and independent floor traders who generally benefit most from the rise and fall of derivatives contracts. The demand-supply situation can control futures pricing. A speculator can be compared to an intraday stock trader who buys assets when the price is low and sells when the price of the asset increases.

What is future trading?

Futures trading can refer to a binding agreement to trade derivatives in a way as per the agreement between a buyer and a seller. On the other hand, in options trading, on the contrary, both the buyer and the seller are bound to honour the contract in futures trading. In a futures contract, the time is known as the expiration date of the contract or delivery, and the strike price is considered the futures price.

Since a forward contract is mandatory and legal, the Exchange Board plays a vital role in overseeing the process to maintain the sanctity of the Indian securities market.

Benefits of futures trading

Benefits of futures trading bitcoin

Typically, each futures contract is monitored by SEBI itself, making them fair to all parties. Also, if you trade in futures, you can improve your understanding of the currency, stock, or commodity markets. Apart from this, one can better predict the demand-supply scenario in the capital market and be able to make informed investment decisions as well.

Ground level

While futures trading may seem like a more complicated investment strategy than buying stocks or ETFs, it can be relatively simple for you if you understand the basic concepts. Also, if you are also looking for a hedge to limit your potential exposure to market volatility, futures trading may be a good option for you.

Whereas if you are an expert trader, you can also see them as a way to take advantage of pricing anomalies to make money.

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