How to Jig Your Address to Cop More Sneakers!

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Do you want to order more than one pair of sneakers, but you aren’t allowed because you have just one address? Well, this article will show you the trick to jig your address and get your desired number of sneakers.

Have you ever wanted to purchase something online, like sneakers, but couldn’t because the company doesn’t allow multiple purchases with one address?

Well, it is what it is. However, with address jigging, you can trick your way in and make multiple purchases.

Therefore, address jigging is when you make you tweak your address in a way to make it unique and different from the original one.

This involves the addition of random characters in order to reuse the address to make multiple purchases.

Why Jig Your Address?

Why Jig Your Address

Over the years, people often make use of bots to make purchases online.

Most of the time, botters make multiple purchases, making stock go sold out and eventually leaving those who also need them to have nothing.

In order to make everyone happy, companies like Supreme, Nike, Lego, and Adidas had to restrict the use of bots and prevent botters from making multiple purchases with one address. Therefore, one address to one pair of sneakers.

Recently, Nike updated its terms of use and strictly states that there will be a rejection of orders and account suspension if there is a suspicion of product resale, an excessive amount of purchase from a particular account, or if that account exceeds purchase limits.

Once they figure out that multiple purchases are all linked to the same address, they will believe that a bot is behind it and immediately cancel those orders made by botters.

With this new development, they believe the stock can be available for everyone.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t go well for those who aren’t satisfied ordering just one pair of sneakers. And the only way to circumvent this situation is to address jiggling or billing information jiggling.

Varieties of Address Jigging

Varieties of Address Jigging

  1. Billing or shipping address jig
  2. Credit card numbers jig
  3. Email address jig
  4. Phone number jig

How to Jig Your Shipping Address

To jiggle your address is very easy if you follow the right procedures. Here are a few strategies to use.

Strategy 1: Tweak your home address

The first strategy is tweaking your home address. Let’s say you live at 5678 ABC Road; you can tweak this address to 05678 ABC Road.

Strategy 2: Make use of abbreviations

The second trick is to use abbreviations. Let’s say your address is 5678 ABC Road; you can abbreviate it to 05678 ABC Rd.

Strategy 3: Add extra elements

Here, all you need to do is add something extra to your address. Let’s say you live at 5678 ABC Road, you can add extra elements at the end, and you have something like 5678 ABC Road APT1. Or 5678 ABC Road Apartment 1.

Strategy 4: Use random letters before the address

This is pretty simple, like the others above. If you live at 5678 ABC Road, you can add random letters before it and have something like WXYZ 5678 ABC Road.

NOTE: It is important to be aware that if you’re living in a complex or an apartment that has several of these addresses, it is advisable not to make use of them; else, you might have your purchases delivered to the wrong address. This should be used only in households where mail is reliably delivered to the right person and never ends up anywhere else.

Also, ensure you test the jiggled address on a small item to see how it works before making the big purchase on drop day. After spending so much time and effort acquiring the best sneaker bot, proxies, and Nike accounts, you don’t want to blow it all and wind up with a loss.

How to Jig Your Credit Card Numbers

How to Jig Your Credit Card Numbers

Jiggling your credit card numbers can be a bit tricky but very easy. Several credit card numbers are vital for carrying out multiple sneaker purchases.

A unique payment card number is required for each and every billing profile. And the knowledge of how to properly address credit cards may be acquired conveniently online.

Look for financial institutions that let you connect your primary account to a virtual credit card (VCC).

In this method, you may make as many credit cards as you need for shoe police. The following resources provide access to virtual credit cards:

However, each virtual credit card may only be used on a single platform. A merchant lock is what you get when you combine these two features!

This implies that you can only use the card at the designated footwear retailer.

How to Jig Email Address

How to Jig Email Address

Email addresses are the next kind of address jigging.

Buying a domain and setting up email addresses with that name is the most effective and efficient method, and catch-all emails are the key to doing so.

So, you can have peace of mind knowing that all of your communications are being received in a single location. However, this method is not quite as secure as utilizing a reputable email service.

In an emergency, you may easily generate new email addresses. It’s the fastest and most usual approach to jigging an email address.

Several iterations of your existing Gmail account are always an option. It, however, is a greater inconvenience.

How to Jig Phone Number

How to Jig Phone Number

Lastly, we’ll start our adventure in jigging addresses by figuring out how to switch telephone numbers.

This jig is very simple. You need to utilize a unique telephone number for each client profile you create.

However, it’s not necessary to go out and get new phone numbers. You can come up with them if you like.

Just make sure that the area code matches the one used for invoicing purposes.


Q: Is it legal to jiggle your address?

Address jigging is an illegal act that can render you blocked if detected by the company that you’re trying to make multiple purchases with one address while trying to jiggle the address.

Q: What if my ordered items are shipped to the wrong address?

Having your ordered items shipped to the wrong address is one of the risks you have to consider and be careful about when jigging an address that is active.

Q: Is it easy to use sneaker botting?

The usage of sneaker bots is similarly complex. Despite their popularity among those who buy and sell used sneakers online, they are not user-friendly. A server and proxy servers are required. Servers, which are essentially remote personal computers, may be used to host bot networks, allowing for greater throughput and connectivity.


Address jigging has become a necessity for those who which to make multiple purchases with one address. While I have covered various ways to jiggle your address as well as the various types of jigging, it is important for you to know that using a billing or shipping address that is common in an apartment or a condominium complex makes you stand the risk of having your ordered items shipped to the wrong address. So, you have to be sure about the address you’re using.

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