How to Create a Freelance Profile That Stands Out

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To be successful as a freelancer, you must have a professional and complete profile. Aim to grab the attention of your client and other potential clients and set yourself away from the competition.

However, some clients search for freelancers with the skills they want and invite them to check their jobs posted. Once your profile is not good enough, you may not get the clients you want.

To set yourself apart from the competition so that your clients and other potential clients can invite you for work, your profile must be comprehensive so it can stand out.

Four ways to create a freelance profile that can stand out 

Aside from choosing your work category, there are other ways to enhance your profile. Here are five ways to create a freelance profile that can stand out:

Showcase your skills in your profile

Showcase your skills in your profile

You have to set yourself apart as a professional freelancer whether you are just starting or not. Besides, you don't need a degree to become a freelancer. However, to act like a professional, here are a few things to do:

  1. Your profile picture must be a high-quality headshot.
  2. You can create a short introductory video to help your client learn a little about you.
  3. Don't charge less than other clients, at least charge a minimum of $25 to $30 per hour if you want to be taken seriously.
  4. Always state that you are a professional freelance when you send a proposal.

Use a keyword-rich title

You will be invited occasionally for work once your job history is much. This is because the invitation doesn't require any connection. When clients find your profile, the title is the first thing they'll search for.

Once your job title is rich and includes what a client is looking for, the client will gladly invite you for jobs. You must specify the title of your job. For instance, if you are a freelance writer, then it read like “Content Writer,” “Blogs,” B2B Writers,” and so on.

A detailed overview outlining your service

A detailed overview outlining your service

Once a client checks your profile, an overview of your skills shows since it is at the top of your profile. So you have to make it detailed. It can be used to introduce yourself and be part of your marketing. So always give a detailed overview to show your service.

Get Your Top-Rated Badge

This can be done once your profile is approved. Your goal should be to reach the top-rated status because this badge appears at the top of your profile.

When potential clients see that badge, they know you have a very successful and strong history when working with other clients. Although, you must have worked more and earned high before getting that badge.


A good profile will help you get noticed quickly for jobs whether you are applying or not. So, if you want to earn high as a freelancer, create a strong profile. Finally, to edit and write a good profile, ensure you use a good copywriting tool to avoid plagiarism.

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